

Conference Venue

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The University of Sydney

Address: The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

Getting there

Taxi and Uber

The contact numbers for the various taxi companies operating in the Sydney metropolitan area arelisted at:

Information on Uber in Sydney is at:

Public transport


You will need to purchase either a multiple use Opal card ( or single trip Opal tickets ( to use public transport. Opal single trip bus tickets can be purchasedfrom the driver except on Prepay bus routes where an Opal card is required. Check the particularbus route timetable information on whether the route is Prepay. Return Opal tickets areunavailable. Single trip tickets for train journeys can be purchased at train stations.


Train information:

The closest train stations to the University of Sydney are Central, Newtown and Redfern. Busesfrom Central and Newtown stop outside the University. See below for relevant bus routes.

A map and walking route from Redfern is attached and the easy walk takes about 15 to 20minutes.